
Commentaries on the Epistles to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon is unavailable, but you can change that!

Calvin’s Commentaries (46 Vols.) are, in the words of Philip Schaff, one of the few exegetical works that have outlived their generation. Calvin preached and wrote prolifically on the Bible. His commentaries display a rare combination of exegetical insight, pastoral concern, and theological depth which have inspired generations of Christians. Calvin wrote commentaries on most books of the Bible,...

And to genealogies that have no end.1 He calls them endless, because vain curiosity has no limit, but continually falls from labyrinth to labyrinth. Which produce questions. He judges of doctrine by the fruit; for everything that does not edify ought to be rejected, although it has no other fault; and everything that is of no avail but for raising contentions, ought to be doubly condemned. And such are all the subtle questions on which ambitious men exercise their faculties. Let us, therefore, remember,
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